Monday, March 2, 2009


Oh man! Florence is amazing! Ok, now that I got that out of the way, here is the update from the last time I blogged...

Thursday night we traveled to Ancona to go to the Opera! We saw Rigoletto. Most people do not know the story of Rigoletto, I didn't, but almost EVERYONE knows the famous song from the Opera, La Donna e Mobile. Youtube it, I BET you have heard it before.

Anyway, before the Opera my friends and I did some last minute shopping (go figure) and then got dressed and grabbed the bus at 6:15pm. The ride to Ancona was about an hour and a half. We arrived at the Opera house just in time to grab some pizza across the street and then head in to the show. UNH bought our opera tickets for us, and I wasn't expecting much...haha...but when I say nosebleed seats....I really am NOT lying. I felt like I was going to sneeze and go hurtling over the balcony and plummet to my death....yeah. I was scared to get up and walk anywhere. I am unstable enough walking in heels, never mind walking in heels 2000 feet in the air.

So we watched the opera, which was about three hours of italian mumble singing, and even though I could only catch about one word every three minutes, I still got the jist of what was going on. Such a tragic ending, but what else would you expect from Italian opera?

We got home from the opera around 1am, but I still had to pack for my trip to Florence. I had five hours before I had to leave for Florence by the time we got back to our apartments from the opera. I packed up as fast as I could, ate some tortolini, and went to sleep.

All in all, I enjoyed the opera. There were a few times where it felt like torture, but for the most part I felt like it was a cultural experience that I will always remember.


  1. I love Rigoletto!! It is such a great opera!!

  2. WORD! I never miss Rigoletto when it's in town!!!!

    La donna è mobile, qual piuma al vento,
    muta d'accento, e di pensiero.
    Sempre un amabile, leggiadro viso,
    in pianto o in riso, è menzognero.
    La donna è mobile, qual piuma al vento,
    muta d'accento, e di pensier
    e di pensier, e di pensier

    È sempre misero, chi a lei s'affida,
    chi le confida, mal cauto il core!
    Pur mai non sentesi felice appieno
    chi su quel seno non liba amore!
    La donna è mobile, qual piùma al vento,
    muta d'accento e di pensier,
    e di pensier, e di pensier!

    Launie, you look so beautiful in those pics.... now that I can see that is....

