Thursday, January 29, 2009

This is taking forever...

I am still in the process of packing, which, right now, means that I laid some clothes out on my bed and left them there all day. Then when it was time for me to go to bed, I just threw them all in a suitcase for the night and haven't touched them since. I'm not even sure if I am bringing them all, and I definitely have more things that I want to add...and buy...oh man...

Everyone told me packing for this trip would be really hard, but I guess I just didn't listen to them because in my mind I figured it would be easy. Just throw a few things into a suitcase and call it a day. I imagined that packing for a 4 month trip in a place with a continuously changing climate would be the same as packing for a week in St. Croix, going to visit my grandparents, where the temperature is a constant 80 degrees everyday with the occasional one minute rain shower. I have come to find out that things are a little different.

So I guess I'm stuck. I feel like I have a 20 page term paper to write and I just keep putting it off. Eventually I have to get it it is just a matter of when...

1 comment:

  1. I imagine you would blend in a little better than I did (I wore white sneakers and a Boston Red Sox jacket), but at least Bush is out of the White House so they might not hate us as much. In any case, we are all going to miss you a lot over here, and you need to make sure you get to Rome (including the Vatican), Pompeii, and Florence. And yes, I will be your test subject when you get back if you want to try out new foods :-)
