Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Barcelona and Carnivale Weekend...

So I am super duper excited right now! Last night right after I finished up my blog, I packed up and got ready to leave. As I was walking out the door, my friend stopped me and told me she had some exciting news! There were tickets on Ryan Air from Ancona to Barcelona for only 35 Euro round trip!! SOO CHEAP!! So guess where I am going to be from March 5th till the 7th!!! BARCELONA!!! Finally!! I can communicate with people without stumbling over a language that I barely know and without having to resort to English! I am soo excited to go!

We converted the price and it came out to around $45 US dollars. Not bad for a flight huh? Granted we are not checking any bags, but we don't really need to because it is only for four days!

The other news I have to share today is about Carnivale here in Ascoli. Although Carnivale started last weekend in Venice, there is a huge celebration here in Ascoli Piceno this weekend. Apparently they are having a huge discotecha party in honor of Carnivale. If we took the bus to the discotecha, we would either have to leave at 12am.....which is an hour after the discotecha opens...or leave at 6am...which means I would be asleep on some nasty discotecha floor because I would crash!!

In order to solve this problem we came up with a very ingenious idea....WE ARE RENTING A PARTY BUS! YAY! Haha. The 16 of us are getting together with the guys we hang out with from San Benedetto and we are all going to chip in for a bus so that we can come and go from the discotecha as we please! SOO NICE!

I will be sure to update soon again! I have to stay on top of this blogging business or I end up with three massively long blogs to write like I had yesterday!

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