Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Classes and such

I had my first Italian class yesterday....SO difficult. The actual language isn't too bad but I mix EVERYTHING with Spanish. We just learned basic stuff yesterday and today but the little add-on words are getting to me like..."di" versus "de" and "e" versus "y". Ohh Spanish.

It does help out though. The other day I went to the hardware store to get an adapter. When the guy behind the counter eventually realized that I am literally unable to communicate anything other than what I want to eat in Italian, we tried English but that didn't help either. So then I said "Parlo spagnolo" and he started talking to me in Spanish! hahaha Sooo funny! But it worked out and I got an adapter for my 3-prong plug on my computer. Oh the joys of language.

Since I have been here I have realized just how "american" my fashion is. I feel like I only have a select few items in my closet that I feel comfortable wearing here. Its funny because I brought enough clothes that I picked out especially for this trip out of allll my clothes at home, and I still feel like I need new stuff....maybe that is just stemming from my shopaholic tendencies...I don't really know.. haha

It is also hard to wear my clothes because we don't have dryers. We wash our clothes and then hang them to dry. I usually shrink my jeans when I dry them so that they are nice and snug after they come out. When they drip dry here, they're all baggy....eehhhh...

Ok, time for me to go. It is almost 4pm and all the shops are going to open up after their afternoon lunch break! New shirts and jeans....here I come.


  1. Lauren,

    The pictures are fabulous! So beautiful...I can totally understand why you would want to be outside!!! Be careful honey!

    Miss you tons and love you so much more!

    Auntie xoxo

  2. I can't wait to see the new clothes when you get home. Have fun shopping.

    I know you will pick up the Italian fast. You and your big brain...

    Love you!


  3. Word! Stock up on the Italian goods! Get some crispy raw denim and some vintage sunnies and you'll look DOOOOPE!!!!
