Monday, April 6, 2009


Since spring break nothing too exciting has happened. The week following my Sunday return to Ascoli, I pretty much slept in EVERY day in attempts to catch-up on sleep. On that Thursday, I was supposed to go to the Italian school to teach English (I go once a week), but when I woke up my eye was all infected and gross again.
Friday, we decided that it would be nice to go out to Murphy’s because we hadn’t been there since before break. So basically, I laid around all day trying to get better, and then went three steps down the street for two hours haha.
Saturday…much of the same. We attempted a hike, but that failed miserably because for some reason, all of Ascoli decided that they would do work on their trails and walkways. So I went to Tonic instead and sat in a Jacuzzi for an hour…probably not the best thing for the homeostatic regulation of my body, but what are you going to do…
Sunday, I laid around outside all day, and then headed to church at 6:45pm. I was expecting a regular mass…hymns, singing, the whole lot. Let’s just say, it was lacking a few…ok all musical overtones of a mass. I felt like I was at mass at that church in Seabrook, NH where you go during the summer between leaving the beach and going out to dinner. The mass started at 6:45pm and I was out, in Piazza del Popolo, drinking an apertivo, before 7:30pm.
We met some friends around 8pm and went out to dinner at a place called Pepperoncino. Apparently, everything there is spicy. After eating, we three of us were waiting outside while our fourth was paying the bill. We were standing outside of the restaurant talking when, all of a sudden, a guy approaches us and starts speaking to us in English. He had a British accent, so I figured he was from England. Then he said, “Are you in the University of New Hampshire program?” When we said yes he asked if we were from New Hampshire. I said I was from Rye Beach and he said… “NO WAY! I’m from PORTSMOUTH!” So basically what happened was….I ran into a guy that lives 15 minutes away from me on Congress St. in Portsmouth, NH, IN ASCOLI PICENO!!! Thousands of miles from my home…So CRAZY! So yeah, that was Sunday.

This past week was much of the same thing. Tuesday was one of the girl’s 21 birthday, so I made her some chili (hahaha ohh kelli), we all bought her a nice cake, and eventually got dressed up and took her out. The rest of the week was pretty relaxed. Not much going on. No big assignments until another two weeks.

Yesterday, Saturday April 4, 2009, we took a day trip to Urbino. We left Ascoli at 7:30am. The trip to Urbino took three hours. By the time we got there…we were all exhausted and ready to call it a day haha. In Urbino there was a Rafael exhibition. We went to the “Galleria Nationale delle Marche” and walked through the Rafael exhibit and the Palazzo Ducale di Urbino. Very cool stuff. Just to get into the ancient city of Urbino, we had to climb up this massive spiral walkway. It looked just like the walkway you have to go up in (EWW a Burberry man purse just passed by under my window) the Gorgon Castle in Zelda. Yep, I know…I’m a loser, but at least my brothers and my cousins will know what I’m talking about. So after the spiral walkway, there were stairs, and then this twisty windy upward brick trail….soo sool. I’m putting pictures up so look at them!
After we got back yesterday we were all so tired. We took naps and then got dinner out. After dinner we loaded up with nutella and cookies and watched some quality Desperate Houswives. During the episode, the back legs started creaking….then all of a sudden, THEY BROKE RIGHT OFF! MY WHOLE BED COLLAPSED! WHAT THE HECK! So last night I had to sleep on the couch.
And just to put the final touches on things, when I woke up this morning, that weird eye guck thing was back. It’s not pink eye…I don’t know what it is but its weird….Oh life.
For breakfast we hit up Murphy’s because they were having a Sunday brunch. There was also a parade through the streets of Ascoli for Palm Sunday. What a day. I have to run now though, because I am trying to make it to 6:45 pm mass again. We’ll see how quick this mass is….

1 comment:

  1. Hey hey hey! I got your postcard! Thanks! I'm enjoying reading about your wonderful adventures. When do I get to hear about the earthquake?

