Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The end of Sunday....and EARTHQUAKE!

So mass was a little bit longer on Sunday because it was Palm Sunday and they had to read the Passion of Christ. So...it finished in about an hour vs 45 mins haha. After mass we went back to my apartment and just hung out and made some dinner. I went to bed early because I was so exhausted on Sunday.
Then, all of a sudden, around 3:30 in the morning, I woke up to shaking. I thought that my roommate Christine was shaking my bed so I was like "CHRISTINE! STOP SHAKING MY BED!! ITS GOING TO BREAK!"....then I realized it was an EARTHQUAKE! The shaking went on for atleast a good 60-90 seconds. After it had passed, I was a little scared, but I didn't think too much of it.
Literally three days before the quake hit, my italian teacher told my class that "tremors" were common and not to really worry about them. I thought that this was just a "tremor"...oops. So after it passed, I told my roommate what my teacher said and then we both just went back to sleep. We felt a few smaller tremors after the big one, but I really honestly thought that it was normal since Ascoli Piceno is close to a fault line.
It wasn't until the next day that I found out the actual damage that happened in L'Aquila. I cannot even imagine what it would have been like to experience the earthquake there. All I could think about was being one of those students who were trapped in their dorm rubble. The amount of people that have lost their lives is just horrific.
So yes, I felt the earthquake the other night. No, I wasn't scared when it was happening because I thought that it was just the usual for Ascoli. Yes, I am TERRIFIED now because I felt another smaller tremor last night that woke me up...around 1am. Maybe I'm just oversensitive to them now...I don't know.


  1. Do you know if anyone in Ascoli or the nearby town of Mezzano was hurt? (I have family there)

    -Rose, Ohio U.S.A.

  2. I'm pretty sure that there weren't any injuries from the earthquake. We got a pretty big shake, but nothing actually fell or anything
