Monday, March 15, 2010


I should have known better than to do what I did this morning, but it happened anyway. I set my alarm because Alberto was taking me around San Donà and Jesolo today and he was coming at 9:30am. Well, I was an idiot and I set my american phone's alarm for 8:30am. Apparently, I forgot that I WAS IN ITALY AND THERE IS A 5 HOUR TIME DIFFERENCE! So, I never woke up. At 9:20 I heard a little voice from outside my door. It was Martina's mother telling me that Alberto was on his way....and I was still in bed!

I have never showered so fast in my life...and we're talking showering in a tub....with no shower curtin and a hand held shower thingy. Not easy.

So I was ready to go in 15 minutes and Alberto and I met up with his niece and went for breakfast. Then, we went for a giro around San Donà. Yes, there was shopping involved. YAY
For lunch, we went to Alberto's house. His mother had prepared 'il pasticcio di carne' a.k.a lasagna, meat and potatoes and mushrooms. His sister made a delicious dessert. We all sat around and ate and talked for about an hour. The funny thing was, I could not understand a single word his father said because he only spoke in dialect. I would just laugh when he said something, and he loved me for it!!

After lunch, Alberto's niece went to school and he, his sister and I went to see the sea in Jesolo. It was a gorgeous sunny day where Alberto lives, and 15 minutes down the road, it was so foggy we couldnt even see the sea from the beach. It was crazy!I took a picture of it, but I left my camera cord at home, so you people will have to wait until next monday to see pictures. SORRY!!! haha

After Jesolo, we went to pick Alberto's other niece up from school. She is only 9 years old, and this morning, she told her mother that she had a stomach ache because she didnt want to go to school. She wanted to stay home so that she could see me!!! So, imagine her surprise when she saw me waiting for her after school!!! IT WAS SOOO CUTE!!!!!! She was testing out her english on me!! 'My name is.....Ludovica!' hahaha.

After the school, Alberto and I left his sister and niece and went to the italian version of the kittery outlets. Italian version meaning fendi, armani, burberry, name it, if it was expensive, it was there. I bought one thing. A belt. It was only €20 and it was REAL leather....= STEAL!!!!!

I was happy to find this belt because I had borrowed a similar one from Martina that morning. I told everyone that I had gone Martina's closet!

Alberto dropped me off at Martina's house after out outlet experience, only to return 2 hours later to take us all out for dinner. Teresa was there too! We all went out for Piadine and OLIVE ASCOLANI!!!! YES!!! HOW I MISSED THEM!!!!!!!!!!

When we got back, I stayed downstairs for a little while and had some tea with Martina's mother.

Now I am going to bed because I am exhausted and it has been a fun/food filled day! Im going to gain 5 pounds this week....oh well... its worth IT!!

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