Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday Afternoon

Sunday afternoon Albert, Teresa, Martina and I went to Portobuffolè. It is a little town close to San Donà where Martina lives. There was an antique fair going on and we walked around for about an hour and half, just looking at all of the old field tools and china, etc. We also went to a museum that had a special bike exhibit...random, but really cool! We all bought 'la focaccia' and I am hoping that mine will make it home in one piece....I can't make any promises though.

After out trip to Portobuffolè, we went out for a gelato. At this point, I had already eaten SO MUCH food for lunch (carbonara, pollo e anchè il pane e pomodorini) that I opted for a fruit cup with whipped cream on top. DELICIOUS. Alberto ordered this gelato was crazy. It was complete with chocolate art! haha

Martina and I returned to her house and rested up for a little bit. Then we went out for spritz. Spritzes are dangerous drinks. They taste great and they are very alcoholic.....=pericoloso.

I drank prosecco e gingerino instead. It is just as good, and basically non-alcoholic....exactly what I need haha.

After that, we went out with Martina's friends for pizza. I forgot how good italian pizza is....its crazy good. During dinner, all of her friends were testing out their engligh on me. During the process, I was able to teach them a new word...'dork'..hahahah. It was so funny! After that, they kept calling each other dorks all night!!

Martina and I returned to her house early that night (early in italy is like 11:30haha) because she was working monay morning. We had to have her friend lead us back to her house because there was so much FOG! We couldn't see 3 feet in front of us!!! They call it 'humidity' but it was closer to a cloudy wall!haha

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